Below are frequently asked questions about our supportive and rehabilitative housing programs. If you have additional questions, please email us at BiblicalConcepts@gmail.com

Supportive Housing

How many men are there in the home?

At any given time there are up to 10 men in the home.

Will I have my own bedroom?

Each person has one roommate. We work hard to pair people that we believe will work well together.

What is included in my rent?

Your rent covers just about everything. Your rent pays for a furnished room as well as all utilities, telephone, and staples like paper towels, toilet paper and basic foodstuff. We have Wi-Fi internet access and basic television options.

What will I do all day?

That will depend entirely on you and what goals you want to accomplish. Some of the Residents go out to day treatment programs or Vocational Rehabilitation while others stay in the home. We have groups most evenings and different outings are planned both individually and as a group.

How much is my rent?

Monthly rent for the home is $600.00 - $1,200.00, depending on qualifications.

Enhanced Independent Housing

How many men are there in the home?

At any given time there are up to 10 adults in the home.

Will I have my own bedroom?

We have a mix of single and double occupancy rooms. We try to fulfill requests when possible.

What is included in my rent?

Your rent covers just about everything. Your rent pays for a furnished room as well as all utilities, telephone, and staples like paper towels, toilet paper and basic foodstuff. We have Wi-Fi internet access and basic television options.

What will I do all day?

That will depend entirely on you and what goals you want to accomplish. We will work to assist you in accessing the community.

How much is my rent?

Monthly rent for the home is $600.00 - $1,200.00, depending on qualifications.